Steps to be for A Good Adminstrator

Here are the some points for Good Administrator

* Backup Everything regularly and validate it.
* Avoid GUI interface & CLI for every task.
* List out the task (daily, weekly, monthly) and make it automate.
* Never change the root shell, unless you have an alternative root account set up!
* Validate the Process

The simplest solution to validate data is to restore from your backup media and compare that to the existing data. Most simplistic is to run a ‘sum’ on the files to compare. If the data is more dynamic, run a sum on the files in the backup before they get backed up and include that in the backup. Restore to a different directory and check it against what is restored.

To generate a checksum file:
find . -type f -print -exec sum ‘{}’ \; > checksumfile
then back it up. Restore it someplace, run the same command (but put the output in a different file!) and diff the two checksum files.
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