137. Setting up Gaussian g09 on debian -- precompiled binaries

Most people would use a precompiled and pre-installed copy of gaussian on their local computational grid. If you do, however, purchase your own copy, or work at an institution with a site license, then you can install gaussian on your local beowulf cluster (or over-powered desktop).

And it's easy. I've presumed that your username is verahill, and your group is verahill.

You need csh
sudo apt-get install csh

Next set up a destination directory
mkdir /opt/gaussian
sudo chown verahill:verahill /opt/gaussian

copy the gaussian binaries to /opt/gaussian/g09 so that you have
|-- basis
|-- bsd
`-- tests
|-- com
|-- ia64
`-- newz

Gaussian wants almost everything to be executable
chmod +x /opt/gaussian/g09/*
chmod +x /opt/gaussian/g09/bsd/*
cd /opt/gaussian/g09
csh bsd/install

Next, edit your ~/.bashrc and add (anywhere)

export g09root=/opt/gaussian
export GAUSS_SCRDIR=/scratch
. /opt/gaussian/g09/bsd/g09.profile
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/gaussian/g09/bsd:/opt/gaussian/g09/local

Source your bashrc to make changes take effect immediately:
source ~/.bashrc

You need to edit the bashrc of anyone wanting to use gaussian

And you're done!
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