20. Is there no molecular weight calculator in the Debian repos?

UPDATE: see here for an isotopic calculator written in python -- it calculates mass as well: http://verahill.blogspot.com.au/2012/10/isotopic-pattern-caculator-in-python.html

The best molecular weight calculator which I've encountered is Matthew Monroe's Molecular Weight Calculator, which can be found at http://ncrr.pnnl.gov/software/

It does everything. Molecular weights. Isotopic patterns. And so, so, so much more.

It has one major drawback though - it's written for Windows. Luckily, it sort of works under Wine after you've done a bit of wine-trick-ery.

As great as the calculator is, sometimes you only need to calculate the molecular weight of something, and nothing else. Searching the debian repos I can' t find a single dedicated molecular weight calculator. In particular, a command-line driven calculator would be nice.

Seriously - it's a crying shame that the distribution with the largest repos, i.e. Debian, does not have a single passable molecular weight calculator. It is even more surprising given the number of chemistry-related packages which are present.

So, here's what I did:
a quick google on "python molecular weight calculator" brought me to http://pygments.org

A little bit of editing gave the code below, which was saved as molcalc, copied to /usr/bin, followed by sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/molcalc. It can now be called using
molcalc "(Co(CO)5)2"
and returns
The mass of (Co(CO)5)2 is 257.916890.

Here's the code, which is 99.9% the original and 0.1% my modification. All credit thus due to Lee, Freitas and Tucker.

NOTE: it doesn't handle layered parentheses. (Al(NO3)3)2 gets interpreted as Al2(NO3)3.

# Author: Toni Lee with the help of Guilherme Freitas and Becky Tucker. Minor changes by Lindqvist
# Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain

#Import regular expressions
import re
import sys

#Create the dictionary (From Becky with a value of 0 inserted for Uus(mass not measurable))
TableofElements ={ 'H':1.00794,'He':4.002602,'Li':6.941,'Be':9.012182,
                        'Bh':264,'Hs':277,'Mt':268,'Ds':271,'Rg':272, 'Uus':0

#Computes the MW of an atom-number pair
def getMass(x):
    number=re.findall('[0-9]+', x)
    if len(number) == 0:
        multiplier = 1
        multiplier = float(number[0])
    return (atomic_mass*multiplier)

#Segments formula into atom-number sections (i.e. 'H3' or 'N10')
def parseFormula(fragment):
    return (segments)

#Computes total mass of both parenthetical and nonparenthetical formula components
def molmass(formula):
    while (len(formula)>0):
        #First computes the molecular weight of all parenthetical formulas from left to right
        while (len(re.findall('\(\w*\)[0-9]+', formula))!=0):
            for i in range(0,len(parenthetical)):
                parenMult1 = re.findall('\)[0-9]+', parenthetical[i])
                parenMult2 = re.findall('[0-9]+', parenMult1[0])
                segments =parseFormula(parenthetical[i])
                for i in range(0, len(segments)):
                    parenMass= parenMass + ((getMass(segments[i]))*(float(parenMult2[0])))
            formula=re.sub('\(\w*\)[0-9]+', '', formula)
        #Sums nonparenthetical molecular weights when all parenthetical molecular weights have been summed
        segments = parseFormula(formula)
        for i in range(0, len(segments)):
            nonparenMass=nonparenMass + getMass(segments[i])
        formula=re.sub(formula, '', formula)

    return Mass
if __name__ == '__main__':
for element in test:
print ('The mass of %(substance)s is %(Mass)f.' % {'substance': \
element, 'Mass': molmass(element)})

ConversionConversion EmoticonEmoticon
